Success Stories

“Stepping into senior or executive-level management can be daunting without a clear guide. That's where Megan excels. As an impartial mentor, she provides invaluable guidance and support. While always in your corner, she also challenges you to confront and address your issues, ensuring you grow and succeed

During a pivotal moment in my career, I had the privilege of working with Megan. She helped me gain clarity, take responsibility for my challenges, and successfully navigate my recovery from severe burnout.”


“I had the pleasure of working with Megan for just over a year and it has been transformative for both my professional and personal life. From the outset, Megan created a safe and supportive environment, offering insightful questions and empathetic listening that helped me uncover and address my leadership challenges. Her kindness and enthusiasm made each session enjoyable and motivating, while her extensive knowledge and experience allowed us to connect deeply and relate to the unique challenges we face as leaders. Her blend of diving into human connection and practical application provided me with actionable strategies to enhance my self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills. With her guidance, I've become more empathetic, patient, and collaborative with my team. I highly recommend Megan to anyone looking to unlock their full potential as a leader.”

"I initially found my way to Megan Loeswick Coaching through my company, where I was enrolled in their leadership program after being promoted from AGM to a GM position within the company. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect when I started working with Megan, but from our first meeting, it was clear that she was organized and professional.

Megan's ability to tailor her coaching to my specific needs made every session feel incredibly productive. She focused on topics relevant to my managing style, ensuring that the coaching was not only valuable but also applicable. What sets Megan apart is her outside perspective- being someone not affiliated with my company but possessing extensive experience made it easy to find common ground, fostering a safe space for open discussion.

The most beneficial part of working with Megan was having a coach who paid attention to my personality and management style. She kept our sessions interesting, allowing me to express myself while gently guiding me back on track when needed. Through our collaboration, I had numerous breakthroughs, with Megan skillfully leading my thought process to solutions that now seem obvious.

I believe anyone who wants to keep an open mind and be receptive to feedback would benefit greatly from working with Megan. My advice to future clients is to trust the process, take notes during sessions as there are 'homework' assignments, and be prepared to be held accountable for your growth. Working with Megan has been an insightful journey, and I wholeheartedly recommend her coaching services."

“My experience working with Megan has helped me achieve more than I thought possible in the short amount of time we worked together. Despite not knowing what to expect, I emerged from the experience feeling confident that not only will I excel at my job, but that I can build up and support my team to reach their full potential. Megan was able to support me in a way that allowed me to explore possibilities without worry of failure. Her ideas and tools provided me with a solid foundation, which has allowed me to expand my capacity for opportunities while knowing that the systems and support I've put in place for my team will run smoothly without constant supervision. Megan's experience in the restaurant industry has enabled her to take a coaching experience and apply it to the insane world of restaurant management. She gives you the tools needed to create opportunity, whether they be small stepping stones to a solid foundation or specific ideas that make your job easier. As we began our time together, I was hesitant and worried about the tremendous responsibilities and challenges that I would be faced with, but now that our time together has drawn to a close, I find myself looking forward to the opportunities the future holds and confident in my abilities to achieve the best possible results.”

-Melani W.

“I was very closed off and didn't know how much I would benefit from Megan, not only professionally but personally. She created a safe place where we could explore what values are important to me and how they can help me paint the future version of myself. She challenged me to be more clear with what I want and what my expectations are of others and of myself. Megan always had the best thought provoking questions that pushed me to think outside my box. She helped me build the tools to trust people more wholeheartedly. I am incredibly lucky to have Megan on my team. Her belief in me has and will continue to help me lay it all out on the table with intention and purpose.”

-Rayane A.

“I never thought of myself as the kind of person that would ever have a coach. I work for a growing company and they thought that it would be a good idea for us to try it out. I met Megan a week later. I didn’t really know what I was looking for at first but she helped me figure it out by just listening and we came up with some really great goals. Time management, confidence to name a couple. Megan is a wonderful listener and gives amazing advice. At the end of our time together I asked to have it extended. The most beneficial take away from working with Megan is confidence and believing in myself to be the better me. The best advice I could give to anyone that works with her is to Be honest and open and she will help you achieve your goals.” 

-Kevin V.

"My time spent with Megan has made me into a kinder, thoughtful and more productive leader. Megan has challenged and inspired me. I am extremely grateful for my time spent with Megan. "

-Frank C.

“Working with Megan has provided me with the insight I needed to establish a path of wellness, mentally and physically. She led me to a space of positivity that I thought I had lost. She helped me by providing the tools to stabilize myself following a very chaotic chapter in my life. Working with Megan was the catalyst for my new beginning. Her guidance gave me the ability to reduce my anxiety and tap into my inner strength. Megan’s professionalism and passion is on par only with her awareness and empathy.”

— Alyssa A.

“I came to Megan with the desire to get the show known as my life on the road! I had been in my way for months when it came to getting out of my soul-sucking corporate job, and I didn’t know where to begin. Megan helped me to recognize the beauty of where I am at this moment. Megan allowed me to feel seen while allowing space to shift my perspective. Megan asked questions to see where I wanted to go, then helped me create a detailed list to get myself there. Megan truly is a gift as a coach”

— Tyler S.

“When I first started working with Megan, I was transitioning to coaching after a long career in a different field and I lacked confidence in my new profession. Over time, she helped me work through many of the inner blocks and limiting beliefs that were preventing me from seeing myself as a "real" coach. I had many "aha" moments in our time together -- a testament to her ability to hold space for her clients and listen intuitively. Each time we met, she helped me craft next steps and gently held me accountable for what I said I would do. Today, I am feeling much more confident as a coach and excited for what the future holds!”

— Lauren M.

“Working with Megan was a great experience. She was very easy to talk to and was able to talk about topics in ways that made me think outside of my box and comfort zone. Made me ask the hard questions of myself that I didn't want to. Instead of addressing the surface problems, she helped dredge up the underlying things that kept me from moving forward. I started off needing direction towards finding a career and figuring out some big life decisions. In two months, I've figured out my direction, enrolled in school, and put myself on a fast track towards something that seemed so far off before. That's all great, but I've also been able to keep myself more driven and accountable on a daily basis, which has been a game changer. Overall, working with Megan has been an amazing experience. She's helped give me the tools to change myself for the better and move towards the future I want for myself. That's not to say that you won't do any work or make some changes that feel uncomfortable. But what's happening now isn't helping. I would say that if you're on the fence, think about the things that you want to work towards and the goals you have. Megan will help you to look at those hurdles in a different manner, and set you off walking towards the path you want.”

— Scott F.

“I didn’t realize I 'needed' Megan, until I began talking with her. This is a transitional stage in my life, I call it 'my second act.' This is the time when you have the chance to do and or become what you haven’t had the time or inclination to pursue previously. I realized just how important these upcoming years were to me when I began talking to Megan. Frankly, I wasn’t sure how to proceed or what path I wanted to take. I was confused with how to fulfill my life to its fullest.

Megan asked great questions that were encouraging and not threatening. We worked together on those questions in a positive manner and came up with a game plan with an attainable timeline and with exciting goals! Megan gave me the tools that allowed me to feel fulfilled and to also spark my interests along the way.

To say I’m excited about my "second act" is an understatement! I feel good about the direction I am moving in and know deep in my heart that Megan was a key component in unlocking this new stage of my life!”

— Michelle B.